
Adult Religious Education: Provides programs to help members and attenders become spiritually grounded and facilitates the spiritual growth of the meeting community. Examples of programs in the past include the Exploring Quakerism series; discussions and/or worship sharing focused on readings about spirituality, Quaker history, and Quaker biographies; Quaker Bible study; Quaker Q&As; presentations by Friends on topics or experiences arising from Quaker values; and Spiritual Journey groups

Meets at least quarterly, to envision and sketch out program plans.

Building & Grounds: Maintains and improves Meeting’s property, indoors and out. Actively performs “non-professional” tasks and/or organizes work parties. Outdoors: planting/weeding flowers, watering smaller trees, etc. Indoors: maintaining standards of cleanliness in kitchen and bathrooms, replacing lightbulbs, removing clutter, washing windows, checking for pests (mice, termites) and other potential problems. Handles dealings with professional maintenance workers: alarm system checks, cleaning, mowing, appliance repairs, painting, carpentry, tree pruning, etc. Monitors stock and obtains supplies (paper towels, etc.) as needed. Supervises Meeting House security, including FE Moran Alarm responders. Building Use is a subgroup of Building & Grounds. Communicates with regular building users and potential one-time users. Trains trusted regular building users in using the key and code to open and close the building. Opens and closes the building for one-time users and remains in the building during use, as needed. Solicits potential users of the meetinghouse.

Meetings held quarterly at a minimum to plan seasonal tasks. Also meets before bringing proposals to finance committee for large expenditures and to business meeting for major changes to the building or landscape.

Fellowship & Outreach: Works to build Meeting’s sense of community and reaches out to the community to bring awareness of Friends’ presence. Organizes celebrations, including our Thanksgiving potluck and December holiday potluck. Previous events include “Speed Friending”, “Human Library” conversations, game night, and participation in the Pride Parade. Reaches out to newcomers, including sending a welcoming letter or email to signers of the guestbook. Responsible for updating Meeting Directory when necessary. Selects and displays suitable pamphlets on racks in foyer. Displays photos of attenders (with their names) on a bulletin board. May seek to raise public awareness of U-C Friends through ads in Friends Journal, sponsorship notices in programs (e.g., for MLK Day celebration), etc.

Meets quarterly at a minimum to plan and stage activities and events.

Finance: Oversees Meeting’s financial status; prepares annual budget; prepares and distributes Fundraising letter and any other such messages. Solicits budgets from all committees in May, allowing preparation of budget for next FY starting June 1. Monitors Meeting’s financial situation throughout the year. Makes recommendations to Business Meeting when potential unexpected expenses arise or when income falters. Treasurer is ex officio member.

Typically meets 3 or more times annually. Attendance at Business Meeting recommended

Library: Maintains, publicizes, and tracks materials in the Meeting’s Library. Makes the Library’s holdings known to Friends; purchases new materials as budget allows; establishes and maintains collection development policies and the checkout system.

Meets at least quarterly, to review and organize materials and to discuss ways to make Friends aware of items of particular/current interest.

Ministry & Care: Monitors and enhances the spiritual life of the Meeting and coordinates care of Meeting’s members and participants. When requested, appoints Committees of Care or of Clearness for membership. Develops monthly Query and announces it during Meeting for Worship on first Sunday. Writes memorial minutes in cooperation with the clerk; may assist with memorial Meetings for Worship. Works with clerk to prepare the annual State of Society Report for spring Blue River Quarterly (BRQ) and summer Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM) inclusion. Seeks Business Meeting approval for State of Society Report in March. Periodically reviews membership records, keeping in touch with inactive members and encouraging attenders to join. Members and the clerk take turns closing Meeting for Worship and overseeing the cleaning and locking up of the building each Sunday. Attends to Friends’ ministry, both silent and spoken, encouraging new or timid Friends while also lovingly guiding those who seem to need it. All of this committee’s work is confidential. Prepares a slate of new members of nominating committee each year for January Business Meeting. Works closely with the clerk, who is an ex officio member of the committee.

Attendance at monthly committee meetings, before the 2nd Sunday, is essential. Frequent attendance at Meeting for Worship is highly desirable, as is availability to close Meeting for Worship once a month.

Peace & Service: Enables members of our Meeting community to coordinate witness and service activities while bringing forward opportunities to act on Friends’ principles. Current focus areas include local criminal justice reform, housing/homeless services, immigrant & refugee issues, and climate change. Arranges informative sessions on these issues. Examples of recent committee activities are planning community social justice presentations after worship, organizing the Stone Soup Supper (fundraiser for Emergency Fund), and providing filled backpacks for guests of Daily Bread Soup Kitchen. Coordinates with liaisons to Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) and American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). Oversees Sandwich Making subgroup and Emergency Fund administrators.

Meetings held each month, before the 2nd Sunday. Regular attendance is recommended.

Youth Religious Education: Plans and offers age-appropriate activities for Young Friends, from toddlers through teens. Hires and coordinates teachers and childcare providers for First Day School and works closely with all those who present the programs. Builds community between families, the children themselves, and the Meeting as a whole. Determines how best to lead Young Friends along their spiritual paths as they grow older.

Meets at least quarterly, to envision and sketch out program plans

Nominating Committee: Nominates a slate of officers and committee members, including conveners. Discerns gifts and interests of Friends and attenders as part of the nominating process. May review the organizational structure of the meeting and propose any recommended changes. Presents slate of officers, conveners, and committee members to Business Meeting in March (draft) and April (final), who will serve from June 1 to June 1. Has six members with staggered two year terms, January to January. Each year, Ministry and Care Committee nominates three new members and presents them for approval at Business Meeting in January.

Meets as many times as necessary between the end of January and mid-March.