The Spirit Flourishes Among Us

Author: Breeze Richardson

Today I arrived in Philadelphia for the start of “Heeding God’s Call” – it has been a whirlwind start, to say the least.

I’ve always been one of those Friends that is deeply rooted in Quaker testimonies and in my identity as a member of the Religious Society of Friends, but am not christnocentric (at all) in my beliefs. Therefore, being in an environment that it this evangelical is challenging.

But I had an inspirational afternoon! Reverend Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr. was a fabulous start to this experience. In the context of considering this time in our lives quite possibly the year of the Lord’s favor, Rev. Forbes asked us not only to dwell on the sadness & conflict in the world, but instead ask: What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for family, for good health, for passion and inspiration, for a desire to nurture community, for friends, and for love.

What are you thankful for?

4 thoughts on “The Spirit Flourishes Among Us

  1. Breeze –

    Thanks for getting this blog rolling.

    I’m thankful for you!; for Chicago Public Radio and especially Worldview host, Jerome McDonnell, who today (as every day) interviewed a wide variety of people on explosive topics with unwavering equanimity and respect; for peacemakers of every stripe who are willing to admit their own ignorance and insecurities if it will help to bring about honest communication. Oh, yes, also for my Mac, the electricity it takes to run it, warm slippers, and an insulated house on a very cold Chicago night.


  2. As it happens, today I feel very guilty for what I am thankful for. Just a few minutes ago I viewed a series of photos of folks in Gaza. I feel very thankful that my family was not in that terrible situation. Sorry to offer up such a downer. I am trying to make sense of it all. It is hard.

  3. Thank you Breeze for representing us, for getting this blog up, which I am so far finding pretty easy . . . I don’t quite get blogs yet. I am thankful for my Mother, my brothers and F/friends who help to keep me going when most often I am ready to crawl in a hole. I also viewed the photos that Chuc spoke of. . .so much tragedy in this world; so much senseless violence. Some folks don’t have friends to keep them on a good path. I understand you feeling overwhelmed in the crowd there. Have faith; you are where you should be.

  4. Thank you, Friends! Patricia, what wonderful and motivating words. Let us continue to strengthen the communication among us (as Friends and as a world). Chuc, no need to apologize – your saddness is valid and important in recognizing the wholeness of the world. And Dawn, words of encouragement are so helpful! Really, thank you all for sharing this space with me.

    I am sitting in morning worship, and the hymnal just sung stated: there is more love somewhere, there is more hope somewhere, there is more joy somewhere, there is more peace somewhere… I’m gonna keep on until I find it. I say, let love, hope, joy, and peace each be with you – if only for a moment, while we walk humbly in these interesting times.

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