Meeting 57th Street Friends: Bruce Chenoweth

Author: Breeze Richardson

On the third First Day in November the First Day School of 57th Street Meeting was joined by Friend Bruce Chenoweth, who brought with him a favorite & much loved book.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry begins with a thought-provoking  dedication: “I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for  dedicating it to a grown-up…  All grown-ups were once children – although few of  them remember it.”

Bruce began his introduction of the book with this dedication, and the children  seemed to appreciate the honest acknowledgement that there is indeed a difference  between adults and children (and I appreciated it as well).

As Bruce continued his reading with the book’s beginning pages, Tiegan, Riona and Gus sat patiently and listened, looking at the drawings (“of a hat?” Riona said of the first drawing, which Bruce and I shared a smile at & all those familiar with this story have to also find a bit amusing).

When we had corresponded in the weeks before this lesson, Bruce had shared a drawing his wife Chris had given him as a birthday card. He brought it this morning to share with them in person:

I continued with a bit more from “The Little Prince” after Bruce’s reading, sharing the story of The Prince’s rose. We read about how he first thought it the most unique and unlike any other flower in the world. “If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars.” But then he came upon a rose garden and spoke with them, realizing that while he thought his rose was the most unique in all the world, it was just a common rose.

Unique and common. Two interesting concepts for twin almost six year-old girls and an almost four year-old little boy.  But they understand being loved, being special, being cherished, and how sharing with those you love that they are special is important and always well-received.

To finish the hour, we made our own roses “most unique in all the world”.  Thank you to Bruce for joining us and sharing a special story!

“Meeting 57th Street Friends” is a special project at 57th Street Meeting (Chicago) that took place Oct 2010 – March 2011 where non-parent adult Friends visit with the Meeting children each month to share their reflections on Quaker life & identity today by exploring something they hold dear. A childhood memory, a story, a life lesson or a life passion – by sharing our experiences across the generations we are living in community.  Learning from each other about our lives is a way to move towards better understanding and our testimony to peace.  




One thought on “Meeting 57th Street Friends: Bruce Chenoweth

  1. I’m delighted to read this. It feels especially appropriate since today I was able to worship with 57th St. Friends, and saw all of those mentioned here. (Woops — I didn’t see Gus, but I did see his picture on the wall in the First Day School room.) It was great to have some additional time to chat with Bruce and get to know him a bit better.

    We both had early, positive experiences with and as conscientious objectors during the Vietnam War, and appreciation for several of the Gentle Souls in Chicago Monthly Meeting who were role models for us. We agreed that they were Friends whose lives were speaking, even more than anything they might have said to us.

    May all of us know that, whether we’re paying attention or not, we just might be role models for others in their peace pilgrimage.

    Thanks, Breeze, for sharing all this with us!

    (Now — 15 years to the day — in Columbia, Missouri, and the Friends Meeting there.)

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